Ongoing Outreach Projects

C3 partners and participates in a number of ongoing outreach projects throughout the year in addition to our church wide outreach projects. Show God’s love to our community by getting involved in one of these great causes like our Lunch Club program or volunteering with other community organizations.

A question that has been at the heart of who we are as a church is “how would the community feel if we no longer opened our doors?” Would they notice? Would they care? Or, would they feel like the community is missing out because Cross Community Church no longer existed?

Several times throughout the year, C3 has an outreach project that aims to make our community a little better and share God’s love in a practical way to those who live around us. These range from shoe and blanket drives, to providing Thanksgiving meals to local families, and even putting on great community events like our Eggapalooza Easter Egg hunt. C3 has always been a generous church because we believe that God wants us to care about those outside of our church just as much as He does.

We also believe in partnering with other groups and churches in our area that are serving our community. We can do so much more together than we can apart. We now partner with other churches and organizations on many of our outreaches.

Why Outreach Matters

C3’s Free for Fall, a big free rummage sale for our community, has been going on for a decade and is a perfect illustration of how we want to be the best church we can be for our community.

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