Girl in a jacket


CrossKids is the children’s ministry at C3 uniquely designed with your child in mind! Every Sunday all children (nursery through 4th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way with a video based curriculum. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!


We desire for each child to experience a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We also value children’s relationships within the small group setting as they relate to their small group leader and other children within the group.

Age Appropriate

We are passionate about children learning about Jesus in a way they understand. Our environments and lesson materials are created based on the physical, mental and emotional needs of each child.


We believe that safety is vital as families entrust us with their children each week. Safety is a priority at CrossKids.

Fun & Creative Lessons

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! We strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep children engaged. We want all children to love God’s word and understand the value of applying it to their lives.


Look for the kid’s check in station in the lobby at C3. We will meet your family, check your child into our database system, and one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room.

We will ask for the following personal information: family members’ names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child.


You and your child will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion which bears a code that is matched to yours during checkout after service. During checkout, you will return to your child’s room and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.
On your way home, be sure to ask your child questions like,“Did you have fun?” and “What did you learn today?”

If for some reason you were to lose your matching tag, please go directly to our CrossKids Check-In and present your identification.


Under the Sea is our class for children birth through 2 years old. Your young children will be able to enjoy a fun and safe nursery environment. Our caring leaders have been background check and will introduce your babies and toddlers to God’s love by praying for them and creating a safe, comfortable atmosphere.


The Ark is a video driven experience for preschool aged children. Age-specific lessons capture kid’s attention and imagination while fun activities help with Scripture memorization. Share in what your child is learning with the Bible App for Kids. It features the same stories they enjoy in church!

Current Series

Memory Verse
If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it.
James 1:5 NIRV

The story of God’s grace begins in the Garden of Eden. This five-part lesson walks your preschoolers through the first sin of Adam and Eve. The First Sin teaches your kids age 2 through 4 how to weigh if something is a sin or not and how to obey God because He cares for us.


During their elementary years, kids want to have fun and find a place to belong. In CrossKids, Kindergarten through 4th graders experience a teaching style they can relate to while they connect with other kids and adults invested in their future and faith.

Current Series


God first created mankind to be His companions, and today we show God our friendship and love through worship. Worship teaches kids How we worship, Why we worship, Who worships, and What exactly worship is. Teaching about worship as a core element of the Christian walk is central to leading up fully devoted followers of Christ.


Test Messenger
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